helping students discover life lived in light of the gospel
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helping students discover life lived in light of the gospel
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We meet on Wednesdays during the school year at 6:45-8:15pm with the purpose of being together in community and exploring the depths of the good news found in Jesus. This is a time where students hear a biblical message and have time immediately after to discuss their faith in small groups with our awesome team of adult volunteers. To be added to our check-in system and placed in a small group, please sign up here.
Our youth 8th grade and up are encouraged to join the adults in our main services every weekend and serve in Uniontown Kids Ministry. Our UBCYM Digging Deeper class is for 6th and 7th graders, and we meet in the office during the 9:15 am service. That class is offered in 3, 12-week sections with our first section beginning September 15. Learn more about what we're learning.
FUGE CAMPS June 16-20, 2025
We want to cultivate a heart for missions in our youth and FUGE camps are a great starting point, they provide an amazing experience for our students to group spiritually and serve selflessly.
Online registration is no longer available.
Email if you would like to be added to the waitlist.
JARABACOA (Students Int) July 20-27, 2025
God has a heart for the nations and a heart for the poor, we should too. This is a short-term mission opportunity for our high school and college age students with a long-term impact. Students International focuses on short-term missions that “help without hurting,” by placing our students with long-term missionaries who are fully integrated into the community and who aren’t taking jobs away from local laborers.
Upcoming Events
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...
Follow us: @ubcym