Also, not sure how early I need to reserve next years date for the talent show but I would like to go ahead and put in a request for the room on Wednesday the 11th for decoration and rehearsal, and Saturday the 14th for show night. If for some reason those dates end up colliding with VBS's need to set up and decorate then maybe we could switch our showtime to Saturday the seventh with a rehearsal on Tuesday, July 3 since that Wednesday would be the fourth and most people will be out watching fireworks. But keeping the show on the 14th would probably be best as long as VBS still has an extra week in between to work on decorations and set up like they do this year. Let me know if you think that will be OK. And let me know if the boys can be helpful this Thursday. Holley Hovermale This event has a Google Hangouts video call. Join:
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