Click on the corresponding date to download the Sermon Guide for our Current Series. These resources are designed to accompany the weekly sermon. Previous available sermon guides can be found by clicking resources under the sermon audio on the Messages page . Our online services are delayed one week, so check the week prior.
Sermon Guide
February 2, 2024: 1 John 1:5-2:2
What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?
Share a time when you questioned whether you were "doing something right" in your faith journey. How did you navigate that uncertainty?
Key Takeaways:
- Genuine faith is evidenced by obedience to God's commands, imitating Christ, and loving others.
- Obedience should flow from love for God, not just duty.
- Imitating Christ requires spending time with Him through prayer and studying His word.
- Loving others, even when difficult, is a crucial sign of authentic faith.
Discussion Questions:
- Obedience should come from a desire to please God rather than just conforming to rules. How can we cultivate this heart attitude in our daily lives?
- What are some practical ways we can "walk as Jesus walked" in our current contexts (work, family, community)?
- There are many reasons why we might not obey God (not knowing commands, resistance to change, thinking we know better, doubting God's goodness). Which of these do you struggle with most and why?
- How can we distinguish between loving correction and unloving criticism when addressing issues with fellow believers?
- Hatred or unloving attitudes can lead to spiritual darkness. Can you share an example of how you've seen this play out in your own life or in others?
- What are some specific ways our small group can demonstrate God's love to those who might be considered "difficult to love" in our community?
Practical Applications:
- This week, identify one area where you struggle to obey God. Pray daily for God to help you understand His love in that area and for the desire to obey.
- Choose one characteristic of Jesus (e.g., compassion, forgiveness, servanthood) and intentionally practice it each day. Journal about your experiences.
- Identify someone you find challenging to love. Commit to praying for them daily and look for one practical way to show them kindness this week.
- Set aside 15 minutes each day to spend time with God through prayer and Bible reading. Focus on getting to know His character better.
Sermon Guide
February 9, 2024: 1 John 2:12-17
What stood out to you most from the sermon? Why?
Have you ever felt like you were "barely holding on" in your faith? Share a time when you struggled with confidence in your relationship with God.
Key Takeaways:
- Our confidence comes from what Jesus has done, not our own efforts.
- John addresses believers at different stages of spiritual maturity (children, fathers, young men).
- We are called to reject the patterns of the world while loving the people in it.
- The world's system is characterized by the lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life.
- We need a Savior, not just a life coach.
Discussion Questions:
- How does understanding that your sins are forgiven "on account of his name" (Jesus) impact your daily life?
- John addresses three groups: children, fathers, and young men in faith. Which group do you most identify with right now, and why?
- What are some ways you've seen the "lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life" manifest in our culture? In your own life?
- How can we practically love the people of the world while rejecting its patterns and systems?
- You don't need a life coach. You need a savior. How does this perspective change the way we approach our struggles and growth as Christians?
- Discuss the difference between trying harder in our own strength versus finding strength in Christ. How can we cultivate the latter?
Practical Applications:
- This week, pay attention to advertisements and media. Try to identify examples of the world's system (lust of flesh, eyes, pride of life) as mentioned in the sermon.
- Set aside time each day to "turn your eyes upon Jesus" through prayer, worship, or Bible reading. Journal about how this impacts your perspective on daily challenges.
- Identify one area where you've been relying on your own efforts rather than Christ's finished work. Share with the group how you plan to shift your focus to Jesus in this area.
- Choose one person in your life who doesn't know Christ. Pray for them daily and look for opportunities to show God's love to them practically.
Sermon Guide
February 16, 2024: 1 John 2:18-27
What stood out to you most from the sermon? Was there anything that surprised or challenged you?
Key Takeaways:
- The "last hour" refers to the time between Jesus' ascension and His return.
- "Antichrist" in this context refers to those who oppose Christ, not a single end-times figure.
- The spirit of Antichrist can be found in various belief systems and even within churches.
- Believers have the Holy Spirit as their "anointing" to discern truth from lies.
- Staying rooted in Jesus is crucial for navigating deception.
Discussion Questions:
- How does understanding the "last hour" as an ongoing period affect your perspective on living as a Christian?
- There are several ways the spirit of Antichrist manifests (Deny who Jesus is, Reject what Jesus has done, Ignore the message of Jesus, Create a new moral code). Which of these do you find most prevalent or concerning in today's culture?
- How can we distinguish between helpful spiritual growth and dangerous new moral codes that deviate from the gospel?
- What does it mean to you that you have an "anointing" from the Holy Spirit? How does this impact your daily life?
- The sermon emphasized the importance of staying close to Jesus. What are some practical ways you can "remain in Him" throughout your week?
- How can we balance the need for spiritual growth and learning with the warning against seeking "mystical" or "advanced" knowledge beyond the gospel?
Practical Applications:
- Daily Scripture Reading: Commit to reading a portion of the Bible each day this week, focusing on passages about Jesus' life and teachings.
- Prayer Focus: Spend time each day thanking God for the gift of the Holy Spirit and asking for discernment in recognizing truth.
- Community Engagement: If you're not already part of a small group or Bible study, consider joining one to grow in your understanding of Scripture with others.
- Gospel Reflection: Write down a simple statement of the gospel in your own words. Reflect on how this foundational truth impacts your daily life.
- Discernment Exercise: When encountering a new teaching or idea this week, practice evaluating it against the core truths of the gospel.
Sermon Guide
February 23, 2024: 1 John 2:28-3:10
What stood out to you most from the sermon? Share one thing that challenged or encouraged you.
Key Takeaways:
- God alone defines sin - it's not based on personal opinions or popular vote.
- How we live matters, not because it gives us standing with God, but because it reflects our standing with God.
- We are called to "remain in Him" (Jesus) so we can have confidence at His return.
- God's love for us is otherworldly - it's unlike anything in this world.
- Our identity is in being God's children, not in our successes or failures.
Discussion Questions:
- What does "Walk with Jesus so you can live like Jesus." mean practically in your daily life?
- How does understanding God's definition of sin differ from the world's definition? Why is this important?
- John talked about "remaining in Him" in chapter 3. What are some practical ways we can do this in our busy lives?
- How does seeing ourselves primarily as "God's children" change our perspective on life's challenges and our own shortcomings?
- God's love is "otherworldly." Share an example of how you've experienced God's love in a way that seems different from worldly love.
- How does the promise that we will "be like Him" when Christ returns impact how we live now?
Practical Applications:
- This week, choose one practical way to "remain in Him" (e.g., daily Bible reading, prayer, worship) and commit to it.
- Reflect on an area where you've been seeking the world's approval. How can you shift your focus to God's perspective instead?
- Write down your identity in Christ (e.g., "I am God's child") and place it somewhere you'll see it daily as a reminder.
- Practice "seeing Jesus" this week by intentionally looking for His attributes (love, mercy, holiness) in your daily experiences.
Sermon Guide
March 2, 2024: 1 John 3:11-18
What stood out to you most from the sermon? Share one thing that challenged or encouraged you.
Key Takeaways:
- Love is a decision of the will accompanied by action, not just a feeling.
- We are called to love one another as evidence of being Christ's disciples.
- True love meets needs when given the opportunity, even at great cost.
- God has blessed us with wealth and resources to be used in loving others.
Discussion Questions:
- If love is a decision of the will accompanied by action, how does that differ from popular cultural understandings of love?
- Reflect on the story of the Good Samaritan. How does this parable challenge our notions of who our "neighbor" is?
- What are some practical, everyday ways we can "lay down our lives" for others instead?
- How does understanding God's love for us impact our ability to love others sacrificially?
- The sermon highlighted several ways the church has been generous. Share a time when you've experienced or witnessed sacrificial giving. How did it impact you?
- Discuss the statement: "Wealth is a gift from God." How can we cultivate a healthy perspective on our resources?
Practical Applications:
- This week, identify one person in your life who has a need (emotional, physical, spiritual) and take action to meet that need, even if it's costly or inconvenient.
- Evaluate your use of time, talents, and treasure. Are there areas where you could be more generous in loving others? Make a specific plan to adjust one area.
- Pray daily for God to give you opportunities to demonstrate His love to others, and for the courage to act on those opportunities.
- Consider supporting a local or global ministry as a group. Research options and discuss how you can make a collective impact.
- Practice "the ministry of presence" by dedicating uninterrupted time to listen to someone who needs support or encouragement.