UBC Families Parent Resources

    help your kids discover life lived through the lens of the Gospel
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  • The MomCo at Uniontown: 

    Meets the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 9:45 am during the school year. For moms from pregnancy through kids in 5th grade. Contact Jacki Rice

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  • You can also access The Gospel Project for Kids @ Home. These at-home discipleship resources pair with our current Sunday school lesson (click on the date). In order to access these weekly resources, register for a free account through Ministry Grid (ministrygrid.lifeway.com)

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  • Digging Deeper for Parents

    For a complete list of classes click here.

    Digging Deeper Women: Ephesians Daytime  Thursdays, 9:45 am 

    Digging Deeper: The Parables of Jesus  • Wednesdays, 6:45 pm (during TeamKID & UBCYM)

    Digging Deeper: Parenting  • Wednesdays, 6:45 pm (during TeamKID & UBCYM)

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  • UBCYM Parent Meetings


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